If you are an avid streamer of TV whilst in the UK, it might come as a shock that you can’t always continue to watch the same TV programmes or use the same apps whilst in Nigeria.
Watching TV using local internet, unless you are lucky and are in an area with a strong signal, or have a good internet service provider (ISP), will no doubt be frustrating due to buffering issues.
But if you can get the foundations right you can explore how to watch TV whilst abroad.
Use streaming apps
Some apps don’t work at all. Hayu and Now TV I had to abandon. Whilst Amazon Prime allowed me to watch some programmes overseas but not all. Using a VPN service is not enough to get round Amazon’s geographical blocks.
BBC iPlayer will let you view the scheduling of all your favourite programmes and what’s available to watch on catch up, but viewing won’t work even if you have a valid UK TV Licence! Don’t even think about using a VPN network either!
But if you have Netflix or Mubi, you will be shown programmes which are available in your region.
Plex is a great way to watch TV and movies whilst abroad. Use a TV cast app to watch on your TV or continue to enjoy on your laptop.
The solution?
Download your favourite TV programmes whilst in the UK. Or go back to basics and buy DVD box sets. You will save your hair growing grey from the stress of doing the impossible.
Don’t want to watch TV on your laptop?
Then use a TV Cast app or connect to the internet (if you have a Smart TV) or connect your laptop to your TV using a HDMI cable to duplicate what you have on your laptop onto your TV. Here are some suggestions which I have used successfully in Nigeria >
TV Cast apps
VPN services
Any more suggestions? Please add below
The information provided by LondonGirlinLagos.com is based on information provided or obtained online. LondonGirlinLagos.com does not endorse any services or products advertised. LondonGirlinLagos.com cannot accept any liability for damages directly or indirectly resulting from any services rendered or information given.

Since arriving in Lagos in August 2017, advice has come from several sources. Some recommendations are based on errors made through lack of experience living and working in this environment.
The information provided by LondonGirlinLagos.com is based on information provided or obtained online. LondonGirlinLagos.com does not endorse any services or products advertised. LondonGirlinLagos.com cannot accept any liability for damages directly or indirectly resulting from any services rendered or information given.